Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Quick Update

I've had a number of requests over the last week or so for 64 bit binary versions of the Ergodex driver, and the possibility of a source code drop.

I'm currently in the midst of relocating to the Seattle area, and I don't have access to the computer with the driver source code on it. I should have access after the 22nd.

Once I have access to the computer I'll build and release a 64 bit version along with an updated programming app, as I've made several fixes since the release here.
I will also release the source code for the programming app at that time.
I will not release the source code to the driver itself until I've had a chance to poor over the licensing restrictions and figured out exactly what license I can release it under.


  1. The 64 bit vista driver will be wonderful to have. I can't wait to put my DX1 back to use.

    Thank you so much!

  2. Thanks for your desire to help out with this situation. It's people like you that make the world we live in such a wonderful place.

  3. I've been playing video games for several decades and the DX1 is the best peripheral I have ever used. It's too bad they don't support it. Thank You SO MUCH for keeping this thing a viable option for me!
